pray Tell what are your secret fears?
in gloom... the dark of the night
pray Tell me how can I wipe your tears?
in shadow... in the absence of light

pray Tell where do your troubles lie?
at sea... across the turbulent depths
pray Tell how do I ease your cries?
so alone... whence did you silent wept

pray Tell, for I am here for you
heart brave... keep your spirits clear
pray Tell why won't you let me through?
sincere... in this moment of your fear

pray Tell, the password to your heart
tall walls... barricading you away
pray Tell the code for the gates to part
and reveal... the light of the dawning day

|Stranger| 1:41 AM|

thick, rich flavour extracted from roast beans...a beautiful cup of Coffee

Online Comix

Cafe Latte?
pale espresso coffee drenched with steamed white milk and a thin layer of foam


strong coffee with frothy cream topped with grated chocolate...served in small cups


.t.[erry] pratchet
.c.[hina] mieville
.s.[imon] green
.j.[anny] wurts
.p.[hilip] dick
.r.[obin] hobb
.d.[ouglas] adams
.b.[rian] greene
.g.[eorge] martin

.s.[tephen] fung
.j.[ohnny] depp
.j.[ohn] cusack
.h.[ugh] grant
.d.[avid] tennant
.h.[enry] thomas
.k.[eanu] reeves
.h.[ugh] laurie

January 4, 2004 February 1, 2004 February 15, 2004 February 22, 2004 March 14, 2004 December 26, 2004 February 6, 2005 March 20, 2005 April 24, 2005 May 8, 2005 September 18, 2005 October 2, 2005 October 30, 2005 January 15, 2006 February 12, 2006

pic from zefa.pl
layout by Margot