nothing is as it seems
corruption mottles laurel leaves
doves are dark beneath their wings
dipped in blood, covetous things
white and pure and high above
looking down upon of us
while our eyes are lost in light
they demand our genuflecting love

love your neighbour as thyself
never let him in your house
make his skin, his eyes, his race
a shroud to mask your own disgrace
now your vision seems so clear
stupidity, indolence, fear
bigotry and pride's veneer
blind, and deaf, you think you hear

you think you know, your sentience
what laughable, your prime offence
to little treasure truth or right
and only care of other's eyes
which in the end, you become
a familiar little plastic toy
stuck in all the same routines
repeating what you never mean
plastered with 'diplomacy'
another manner obsolete
another idiot to dismiss
just get away, get away from me

'let us join hands, let us unite''
show our strength, our global might'
yeah right.

never mind every other hand
conceals a dagger, holds a gun
grabs for gold and chains the sun
lose your bleeding heart ideals
shadows only dark conceal
no guiding light to show the way
just lose yourself in the silver screen
pretending heroes do exist
while the world bleeds, while we subsist.

i'll try to lose myself as well
blind and deaf, ten over ten
i'm waiting for the final knell
come now, wait with me awhile.

|Stranger| 7:08 PM|

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.t.[erry] pratchet
.c.[hina] mieville
.s.[imon] green
.j.[anny] wurts
.p.[hilip] dick
.r.[obin] hobb
.d.[ouglas] adams
.b.[rian] greene
.g.[eorge] martin

.s.[tephen] fung
.j.[ohnny] depp
.j.[ohn] cusack
.h.[ugh] grant
.d.[avid] tennant
.h.[enry] thomas
.k.[eanu] reeves
.h.[ugh] laurie

January 4, 2004 February 1, 2004 February 15, 2004 February 22, 2004 March 14, 2004 December 26, 2004 February 6, 2005 March 20, 2005 April 24, 2005 May 8, 2005 September 18, 2005 October 2, 2005 October 30, 2005 January 15, 2006 February 12, 2006

pic from
layout by Margot