My Society

somehow its all about finding myself
and who is that person I want to be
but hey, aren't I right here, right now?
so then whats wrong with my society?

why this confusion?
why this turmoil?
what are you trying
to say to

i'll scour myself for originality
and still sink into my stereotypical life
every day, my depression looms
as once again, the mould doesn't fit right

who am I?
who can I be?
can't i get on
just being

I'm suspicious, staring each day
into that eye of that typhoon
scared that my one, and any deflection
might impel the NORM to break me in two

what is novel?
what is cliche?
when can anything
be truly

break me from my craven confusion
torn from the path's cradled womb
show me my one true final completion
show me ... life. from birth to tomb.

when to die?
when to live?
in every moment
it seems...
we do

please never regret.
its a human emotion.
never look back.
its a past illusion.
never compare.
its a misconception.

just try to feel comfortable
in this harsh society.
we live in.

|Stranger| 8:21 PM|

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.t.[erry] pratchet
.c.[hina] mieville
.s.[imon] green
.j.[anny] wurts
.p.[hilip] dick
.r.[obin] hobb
.d.[ouglas] adams
.b.[rian] greene
.g.[eorge] martin

.s.[tephen] fung
.j.[ohnny] depp
.j.[ohn] cusack
.h.[ugh] grant
.d.[avid] tennant
.h.[enry] thomas
.k.[eanu] reeves
.h.[ugh] laurie

January 4, 2004 February 1, 2004 February 15, 2004 February 22, 2004 March 14, 2004 December 26, 2004 February 6, 2005 March 20, 2005 April 24, 2005 May 8, 2005 September 18, 2005 October 2, 2005 October 30, 2005 January 15, 2006 February 12, 2006

pic from
layout by Margot