nothing is as it seems
corruption mottles laurel leaves
doves are dark beneath their wings
dipped in blood, covetous things
white and pure and high above
looking down upon of us
while our eyes are lost in light
they demand our genuflecting love

love your neighbour as thyself
never let him in your house
make his skin, his eyes, his race
a shroud to mask your own disgrace
now your vision seems so clear
stupidity, indolence, fear
bigotry and pride's veneer
blind, and deaf, you think you hear

you think you know, your sentience
what laughable, your prime offence
to little treasure truth or right
and only care of other's eyes
which in the end, you become
a familiar little plastic toy
stuck in all the same routines
repeating what you never mean
plastered with 'diplomacy'
another manner obsolete
another idiot to dismiss
just get away, get away from me

'let us join hands, let us unite''
show our strength, our global might'
yeah right.

never mind every other hand
conceals a dagger, holds a gun
grabs for gold and chains the sun
lose your bleeding heart ideals
shadows only dark conceal
no guiding light to show the way
just lose yourself in the silver screen
pretending heroes do exist
while the world bleeds, while we subsist.

i'll try to lose myself as well
blind and deaf, ten over ten
i'm waiting for the final knell
come now, wait with me awhile.

|Stranger| 7:08 PM|

what happened to the unexpected?
did we learn to anticipate it?
or did we simply eradicate it?
and it no longer stirs in life?
don't you think we've killed lady luck
and murdered the gypsy with the colored cards?
this time we've finally issued a law
that nothing comes can be new anymore

they're only corruptions of the original perfection
theres no need for change
theres no room for improvement
swelled in our heads, our own self-absorption
builds walls of gold, of fine achievement
while all the time our forward movement
simply declines

because nothing comes can be new anymore
so what's the point to innovation
why even risk tasting failure's poison
when basking in the sun of "the good old days"
will easily wash all our sins away

and this we will be, content and superior
when up comes the snake and the baboon
in rocket suits, fresh from the moon
and saying "hey, how do you do?
are you still where we left you?"

its called adaptation, friends,
its called change with the program
move in the moment
and dance to that unexpected tune

the words of wisdom
that stick in your head
thats begging to be said.

|Stranger| 10:39 PM|

(part two of the hunter's song)

we had just the one dance
in the backstreets of dawn
when the morning arose
and the sun gave a yawn

we had just the one waltz
in the forests of night
through the graveyard of songs
and the silver moonlight

remember me when
you run your last run
remember my words
always follow the sun


i wasn't meant to dance like this
i wasn't meant to play like this
with lives like yours, and dances yours
it wasn't meant to be like this
we had just the one last final dance

before you ran, you ran, you ran
for the hunter's fun
for the night's begun
when herne the hunter makes you run
always always
follow the sun

|Stranger| 5:41 PM|

(part one of the Hunter's song)

Herne the Hunter in his forest deep
governing the way we sleep
keep one eye open as you dream
watch the shadows between the trees

Herne the Hunter in his forest deep
governing the way we eat
meat and blood and fire raw
never matter under hunter's law

blind and dark in the hunter's world
close your eyes and find your foe
keep all your bullets nice and close
a blind sharpshooter has naught to lose

raise a finger to test the wind
upon the high roof it sings, it stings
trust your instincts, close your eyes
Herne the Hunter is by your side

Listen to your blood, it knows the rules
Herne's wild hunt must have its dues
the prey must know, the prey must run
for Herne the hunter to have his fun

never matter the darkness reigns
a blankness, blackness all contained
remember the smell of blood on snow
and pull the trigger, nice and slow

Herne the Hunter on his wild, mad hunt
governing the way we run
breath is short, the way is long
but Herne protects the swift and strong

Herne the Hunter on his wild, mad hunt
governing the way we kill
beloves the blood the shooter spills
a blind sharpshooter has naught to lose

|Stranger| 5:26 PM|

faith and fact
like a cliff by a sea
if i said you could fly if you jumped
would you believe in me?

would you believe in me
if I could raise the dead?
if i could heal cancer
would you trust what i said?

what if i wore fine damascus silk
and had every finger ringed with gold
i offered you wealth, joy, eternity
just for a leap into the blue below

alright, you asked, doubting thomas
"why don't you jump in with me"
i just give this small and quiet smile
and say, "i have to guide others to this sea"

faith and fact
like a cliff by a sea
look where you put your faith
look where you put your feet.

|Stranger| 2:13 PM|

My Society

somehow its all about finding myself
and who is that person I want to be
but hey, aren't I right here, right now?
so then whats wrong with my society?

why this confusion?
why this turmoil?
what are you trying
to say to

i'll scour myself for originality
and still sink into my stereotypical life
every day, my depression looms
as once again, the mould doesn't fit right

who am I?
who can I be?
can't i get on
just being

I'm suspicious, staring each day
into that eye of that typhoon
scared that my one, and any deflection
might impel the NORM to break me in two

what is novel?
what is cliche?
when can anything
be truly

break me from my craven confusion
torn from the path's cradled womb
show me my one true final completion
show me ... life. from birth to tomb.

when to die?
when to live?
in every moment
it seems...
we do

please never regret.
its a human emotion.
never look back.
its a past illusion.
never compare.
its a misconception.

just try to feel comfortable
in this harsh society.
we live in.

|Stranger| 8:21 PM|

for my homeland
for my brothers
for my ancestors
for all others

i live day by day
in certain knowledge
of the end

sure in life's fatal undoing
and when my last breath expires
cloaked in death's fell nearing
i will shiver to hear my angel
whether my days have been
and whether i have made a difference
to see if I have given blood
and given tears
to lift my nation from its fears
and given enough for younger years
that this wrenching in my heart, so queer
for my homeland

how then, will i say
that time has slipped away like sand

for not a single undertaking
can I boast of at the GATES
for I did not do the sacrificing
that I am, eternally, the modern cynic
turning away from reaching hands
turning from light, embracing the night
so my heart may be spared
from suffering
that maybe, for just one life
I could have eased
a journey i was fearful to undertake
blocking off a wealth of pleas
would send me down to fire seas
in atonement

for my brothers

take warning please, while on your way
to look around your oldest land

see where forefathers have gone
journeys past, yet lingering
unerased by time, their songs
never dying, still carrying
deep in our hearts, us all
resounding to the tune we're born into
and listen to your
follow in its glorious flight
arcing out your future bright
never let it die
because with a song in mind
perhaps we, like songs
may never die
let mine be a trilling rhapsody
full of highs and lows in harmony
and always in honor
always remembrance
for my ancestors

one last chance, only one more turn
of the clock
to make rights and right wrongs
not for heaven, not for hell
not in lucifer's damning spell
not for god's almighty hand
not for human decadence

for the homeland
to save it
for the brothers
to love them
for the ancestors
to know them
and for all others


"By day, we were students. At night, we were Brothers." - quoted

|Stranger| 2:24 PM|

Give me the mountains
rearing high to bite the sky
strewn with sienna dust
lingering still, journeys past
to climb, fight and fly high
ever higher, till you reach the top
higher, further, unstoppable
unquenchable, become
first in the eyes of God
cross trails with lion, wolf
all beneath the bright blue sky
find my conquering confidence
give me closure triumphant
give me the mountains


give me the river
all of silver liquid bright
murky in the pale moon light
and shrouded
queer shadows form at river's bend
slippery, uncanny shapes
entwining lissome alien things
and starting, scared
for each paddle's dig i take
sends me down to providence
following the sweeping rush
of shussrating gentleness
showing me my solitude
granting me soft platitudes
and giving me the river


Give me the fields
swaying and hypnotic
rustling in the carefree breeze
grasses mingling with trees
scattered here, there
stands of nature's monoliths
amidst the emerald sea
and more majestic than
pale paltry efforts, imitation
nature's own rendition
pinned in jeweled petals
sparkling here amidst the green
as i come across them, unseen
walking through tranquility
imparting words of fragrant wisdom
gifting me with earth's patience
so giving me the fields.

"because we are not scared of dying for a cause, we are scared of not finding a cause to die for" - quoted

|Stranger| 3:00 PM|

Let god guide me
I hear them say
Let him reach down
And show me the way
Let his golden hands
Lead me ... astray.

I will not eat beef
I hear them vow
Till god has blessed
My humble cow
I will not drink
Not drop of wine
Till God has touched
My humble vine

My life for him
I hear them cry
To strike down
Those he said should die
Let blood run
For god today.
Let bones be steps
Paving heaven's way

So say they
As I have heard them say
That God takes some
The Sinner's way
And God gives some
A puppet's strings
And God makes some
Do bloody things.

All for heaven.
After speech and after death
And after truth
That God...
Is "they".

Not for Religious People. Whoops should have put disclaimer at top... ah well.

|Stranger| 2:44 PM|

For love and hate of angelic queen
Where beauty twined its heavenly snare
Did launch the ships of ten thousand score
To sail the Styx for one maiden fair

Again and again did they rally forth
To break upon Troy's mighty gates
How they fell 'neath Hector's sword
And how they were left in Achilles' wake

Ten long years for gods and men
Struggling across the barren plain
Where blood and ashes mingled grey
And higher rose the numbers slain

Tamer of horses, prince and hero
Honor bright as tempered steel
Balked not before immortal's fury
Dread fate of Troy his death did seal

In the shadow of those monumental walls
Did arise Odysseus, sage and king
To spell out the doom of Trojan sons
By building the wooden horse of fame

Tell-tale sails upon the ocean front
Bolstered high a foolish pride
Trundled in the timber death
Disgorging the plague of steel inside

Paris, archer, vision true
Straight and narrow line of flight
Took an immortal by the heel
Bled Great Achilles of his fight

Burn Troy
Burning bright
Would there be a city as great
Gates as high, Walls as thick

croc.//allied inspiration.

'No son of Troy will ever submit to a foreign ruler'
'Then every son of Troy shall die'

|Stranger| 7:04 PM|

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.t.[erry] pratchet
.c.[hina] mieville
.s.[imon] green
.j.[anny] wurts
.p.[hilip] dick
.r.[obin] hobb
.d.[ouglas] adams
.b.[rian] greene
.g.[eorge] martin

.s.[tephen] fung
.j.[ohnny] depp
.j.[ohn] cusack
.h.[ugh] grant
.d.[avid] tennant
.h.[enry] thomas
.k.[eanu] reeves
.h.[ugh] laurie

January 4, 2004 February 1, 2004 February 15, 2004 February 22, 2004 March 14, 2004 December 26, 2004 February 6, 2005 March 20, 2005 April 24, 2005 May 8, 2005 September 18, 2005 October 2, 2005 October 30, 2005 January 15, 2006 February 12, 2006

pic from
layout by Margot